Nursing Home Regulatory Challenges

In this episode of the LTC Heroes Podcast, David Hoffman, President and Founder of David Hoffman & Associates, sits down with us to share his insight on overcoming the regulatory and care delivery challenges associated with nursing homes and other LTC facilities.

With many years as an attorney under his belt, David shares his experience working on negligence cases, leading regulatory efforts, and discusses why aggressive oversight of this industry is a must to ensure proper care for residents.

Nursing Home Staffing and Residents

David describes why once money becomes the main motivator for these facilities, they look at areas to cut costs, and the first place they look is staffing. As a result, these facilities are understaffed and the residents are the ones that pay the price.

David outlines why care facilities need to focus more on outcomes from the residents’ point of view instead of simply looking at the care they’re providing. With the right teamwork, this can happen while still balancing documentation requirements. 

In order for real change to occur, David says we need to reduce the tension between the regulator and the regulated. He suggests better communication is the best place to start.

He closes the show by challenging us to consider the issue of ageism in our society and what we can all do to show more compassion to our elders.

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Rapid Fire Q/A

In today’s chat, what kind of valuable and actionable advice can LTC lovers and listeners expect to learn from you today? 

David: I’ll be providing your listeners with a better understanding of the nursing home industry in terms of a regulatory construct, why it’s so highly regulated, and what the impact of that regulation is currently and going forward.

What is one lesser-known book, newsletter, or industry resource you go to for up-to-date LTC info? 

David: The Office of Inspector General’s Work Plan.

Name one mentor in the LTC industry that is active on social media or LinkedIn that inspires you and that the rest of us should be following because of their contribution?

David: I clerked for a judge both in state court and in federal court named Anthony J Scirica. He taught me an important lesson, which is to be a good listener and that there are two sides to every story.

If you were to start working tomorrow in the LTC industry, but with the same knowledge and wisdom you have today, what advice would you give to your younger self? 

David: I think that the focus on compliance with regulatory requirements is a two way street. I would focus on how to have a better approach in the relationship between the regulated and the regulators.

